Preferred Portfolio Management (PPM)

"systematically designing and managing portfolios"

Candidates for the Preferred Portfolio Management (PPM) course should be established producers who have shown an aptitude for managing portfolios. These advisors have achieved specific tenure and production levels and warrant inclusion into the program. The PPM course is an in-depth, seven lesson curriculum that navigates the student through all facets of portfolio management. Emphasizing the process espoused by fundamental analysis gurus Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, PPM teaches the student critical techniques needed to effectively develop and manage portfolios. Diversification, asset allocation and risk/return analysis are key concepts studied in the course and tested in the case studies.


At the end of each chapter the student completes an open book exam and submits it to Portfolio Concepts via the internet to the student’s own private site on our servers. Students receive confirmation via email of the receipt of all exams and case studies and may return to their private site to obtain their grades. The results of the final case studies are reviewed for application of the key concepts taught in the course. Upon successful completion a diploma is issued to the graduate and the home office coordinator is notified. The PPM graduate has now made measurable progress toward building his book with ongoing fee income rather than unpredictable transactions.